2022 Autumnal Equinox Balance , Justice and Harmony


Egyptian Goddess Maat
Egyptian Goddess Maat by Diveena Marcus

Blessed Autumnal Season onto you!

As I write this, it is just hours before 2022 Autumnal Equinox.  The phenomena when the daylight and the night on planet earth are equally balanced when the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  Well, if you get real technical, it really isn't exactly equal.  Those of us that live closer to the equator it will be more true to the account.  The farther away, the more unequal.  However, the most important aspect of the fall equinox is that it is the official commencement of the Autumnal season. 

The moment the earth experiences the shift to the Autumnal season, she also travels through the backdrop of the Libra constellation and we experience the zodiacal sign of Libra. Libra represents the polarities of our lives.  The opposite of Libra is Aries.  Hence, the awareness of what is important to us personally (Aries) is being reflected upon by the associations (Libra) that we hold in our lives.  These associations can be actual human relations, or they can be reflections of those living relations in our lives and environment. We are looking beyond ourselves when Libra makes a presence.  As we know, we are not islands; we are not meant in this Earth walk journey to be away from relations.  Even though we've had to learn to come back to ourselves during our COVID-19 experience.  We are social creatures, as all of life truly is.  Otherwise why are we here?  We are here on this beautiful planet to learn and grow together and learn in relationship that there is harmony when we are living in a good way.  There is balance, and balance is not a state of Nirvana.  Our fantasies eluded the reality of the true scales.  Scales are always floating on the air like the waves of the sea, in movement and change.  I don't really think we could live here on Earth in a state of total balance and meditative space.  That is something very hard to share consistently with another, yet a necessity individually, that is to regain balance in our lives. Yes, I know, a paradox.

Libra is also referred in symbolism as a book.  What does a book represent?  Mental reflection and the expression of that reflection.  We all have reflexive capabilities and, for many, reflexive needs.  The previous experience in Virgo is an intellectual energy, but not necessarily prone to have to express the thought process.  The planet mercury, who is mental and expresses itself through an orderly and methodical down-to-earth mode of operation, rules the zodiacal sign Virgo.  A book by a Virgonian would no doubt be a manual with an instructive discourse.  

Why do I bring up all this book/intellectual reference? Because Libra is trying to relate.  To convey something from within and relatable. Libra's ruling planet is Venus.  Hence, there is an emotional connection to what is expressed and what has much to do with love and its appreciation of beauty and connections.  Venus, with her associative energy to love, also desires and emits the drive for harmony.  She also has a drive for appreciation of the sensual qualities of the natural world.  Thus, the novel or book is that relative element so necessary through the Libra vibration to share and connect, many times, with something pleasurable.

Despite the autumnal season when much of life is falling back into the earth, returning to decay to merge within the planet and be reborn again, the Libran spirit during the season works at seeing, envisioning, and creating an environment that holds beauty, love and tenderness amongst the changing and transformative experience.  She is the spirit of imagination and vision. Within her inner realm of dreams and ideologies, she envisions something beautiful that will come from the changes.  She is dual you know. She understands the imbalance of life: war and peace, love and hate, male, and female and so on.  So to her after the darkness will come the dawn of new light and life.  Though unfortunately she isn't very patient.  She sees her future too powerfully and has a hard time in waiting.  However, that is the greatest lesson in harmony.  To anticipate the changes and to gently apply the support harmoniously to the progress.

Like Demeter, after her mournful scorn that induced the world to experience demise and decay because of her grief, we too may unearth the losses and the grief attached to such experiences during this time when we are inclined to reflect upon our lives. However, Demeter's great love and vision of her daughter Persephone returning to the upper world once again in spring gives her the patience and anticipation for the future, and a good one at that.  Their reunion.

Love and the energy of Venus, the planet of love and beauty, hold the key to this season.  Without love, we find it very difficult, even unbearable, to journey through difficult and harsh experiences that fall prepares us for in winter.  With love, we see beauty even in the darkest of places.  In fact, once we get used to the surroundings that are present in other side of life, such as the moon, the night and spiritual aspects of life, well they are welcomed and embraced.  Who doesn't get excited putting up lights to enhance the wonder in the night? Or, making the interior of our environments cozy and welcoming for those who come to visit once we've accepted the season? 

One of the most interesting aspects I understand regarding the balance quest is truth. The more we seek to be in impeccable truth from within, do we come close to balance. Most importantly, when we can stand more firmly in our truth, we heal and move into a wholistic lifeway.

For me, the Egyptian Goddess Maat exemplifies the closest I can come to regarding the definition of balance. And, of course, in the ancient world, her image was produced (as many were of the deities), to emit and exude teachings.  I believe spiritual art has always been produced to elevate the soul.  

I won't go into more explanation of the goddess Maat here, as I have plans to dedicated a podcast on her at Divine Inspirations. I share my intent and what emerged in the Maat piece I produced.

At that note, I close with this blessing onto us all that we come to a place of peace and forgiveness, that we can heal during this time of reflection and that we all have the courage to confront our fears so that we can find balance.

Many blessings always




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