Embracing the Dark and the Mystery



Egyptian Goddess Nephthys by DiVeena

In the seasons of our lives, we experience light, dark, and the in-between. We live for the light; we rest in the dark and in the in-between times; we get nervous. Well, mostly, we let panic and fear set in. Hence, we have anxieties and health problems and do not know what to do with ourselves. Some of us run, others put on a big show and rush to get involved in anything as long as we’re doing something, and the rest of us drop into despair and apathy. 

However, if we reflect on our experiences, (especially those of us that have been on this planet for some time), and we look back on when we had the courage to face our fears, we actually get through it and reemerge into a new level of experience. All in the name of growth.

When we finally see that light and can have the courage to call out in our hearts and minds the reality of the situation, that is the revelation and no matter how many emotions flow through our being, we can then muster the strength to decide, and that decision is the catalyst that moves us towards the light.

However, in-between times can be a very long, and the desire to move forward can be so strong that we are so eager to get out of the stagnant state. When we push to do anything just to relieve our unease, we must understand such actions are out of context within the season we are experiencing. Just as the seasons of our planet prompt life on Her to live in ways that aligned with the times, i.e. gathering in early fall, hibernating in the winter, emerging to life and mating in the spring, and establishing relationship to life in the summer, we are also a citizen of the planet and we are innately called to be in the dance of life here. In addition, we also have personal seasons within our own lives that prompt us to journey through life’s growth stages as an awareness of consciousness so precious to living our true realities.

Our society through the centuries has moved us out of the dance on our planet into one of our own making. I can start with the attitude of past communities whose focus was domination, greed and power. Such a mode of operation has placed us on a wheel of continuously experiencing the desire for acquisitions, control, and a repetitive life of hedonistic opulence. Hence, inducing a state of an underlying internal unease with living, for thousands of years. Our preoccupation with ourselves (some through that domination approach and others within survival concerns in that matrix), has led us to live in such a paradigm that has divorced us from the reality of life.

So how do we escape? The answer is simple. Unfortunately, the accomplishment is not so. We must also find the courage to endure the darkness of the in-between season, however long it may last.

As I mentioned earlier, the planet gives us opportunities during her seasonal gifts to encourage and support us. The mid-fall to winter is the height of the season of transformation. We are traveling through the darkest days of the year’s experience. It is a time to be the dark as well, despite what society encourages to do, i.e. shopping and social outings, etc. If we must, then all the way reflect, stay inner connected, and continue to examine the experiences.

Our society has been so divorced from the deepest and majestic essence of the feminine experience. As we continue to revisit the demands of the patriarchal dominance in our society, focused on the superficial image and body of the feminine.  It makes it hard to get to know it or how to embody that spirit that is every part of each human being and life force on this planet. The fundamental aspect of our planet is organic. Yet, its nature has been so separate from our consciousness. Many people find the fundamental process of life coming into the world by birth through a female appalling. We distance ourselves from the life and death process, a fundamental truth in our lives, and find these subjects difficult to accept. Hence the dishonoring of the distinct qualities of our humanness. Therefore, there is the continual struggle to accept the innate value of our feminine life spirit. Women and their rights in our societies are below the values of our planetary positions. Whereas without the female species, there would be no male experience.

Out of the void came creation. The Christian text did not birth such a phrase, but came eons before, by countless others. The creation concept is a fact accepted by mystics and philosophers and eventually accepted by the populace, as history illustrates.

What is the void? To reflect on the void, I find I must elevate the Egyptian goddess Nephthys to illuminate this subject.

So who is this Egyptian Goddess Nephthys?

Those of us that know the popular mythology of the ancient Isis and Osiris saga, then we are familiar with her. She is the sister of Isis. Those of us that are not familiar, I will briefly try to illustrate.  I must interject that such subjects are no simple matter.  I say this because, as with most ancient tales, they are most connected from within the culture, and cultures take life times to bond with. We can study and try to understand them.  However, indigenous cultures have thousands of years embedded within the context of the community and it is not just an intellectual knowledge that makes a myth understood. 

That being said; I will try to illuminate upon the myth.  

The story begins with the desire to birth offspring by two deeply in love, but unrequited lovers who were Egyptian gods. Their parents were a goddess of the mist, Tefnut, and her twin brother Shu, the god of the air.  They fell in love and birthed into existence the physical plane, Geb, and Nut. Geb the god of earth and Nut, the goddess of the sky.  They too fell in love with each other and wished to join to create as their parents. Ra, (a powerful sun god) however, was smitten with Nut and wanted her to be his partner.  Shu, their father, tried to keep Nut and Geb apart, but Nut refused to be with Ra.  Therefore, Ra made a decree that Nut could not birth any children on any day, any month and of any year. To shorten this story (because there are in between segments), the god Thoth (also called Djehuti), (who is in line with the strata of Ra, who has a mixed origin of stories) held a compassion for the two lovers. To compare Ra and Djehuti, Ra, the sun god, represents power, and Djehuti, also god of time and ruler of the moon, represents intellect. Where in the story, Djehuti out smarts the moon god Khonsu (god to time) on a board game and wins an extra 5 days by the moon for Geb and Nut to be together. Thus, the gods and goddesses closely connected to humanity came into existence.  Hence, Djehuti (intellect) won over Ra, (power).

Isis and Osiris, Nephthys and Set, were the main children from this creation. Horus the Elder has been known to be associated with the goddess Hathor. For this blog, we'll be examining Nephthys, who is linked with Isis and Osiris, and to a lesser extent, Set.

Isis's story centers on her husband Osiris and his restoration to his rightful place in the order's hierarchy.  Set started the distinct essence of the legend by betraying Osiris, sealing him in a sarcophagus that is then thrown in to the Nile. Set then steals the crown and rulership.  The journey of Isis and the saga of the story ensues to find her husband.  Isis, a heroine, eventually restores Osiris's order to the kingdom through her son Horus. 

However, before this saga began, Isis and Osiris were the examples of the epitome of the divine lovers, and soul mates. Born together and bond together for eternity. She is the light of the world, goddess of loyalty, devotion, motherhood, all that is feminine in which we know. Through the ages, she has collected many attributes and continues to do so.  Consequentially, she is known by a thousand names. Osiris, her mate/spouse, embodied life-giving forces, kindness, compassion, and brought peace and righteous rule to earth. They were the honored and glorified couple of the ages.  

Set was the opposite of everything Osiris upheld, besides being increasingly jealous. Set emerged into the world with his sister/wife Nephthys. Through time, there are stories where Set and Nephthys worked together to defeat outside forces that threated Ra and the order. However, Nephthys is most remembered for her growing loneliness and discontent as her husband Set became increasingly consumed by his jealousies of Osiris. Some stories claim Nephthys desired Osiris, so she eventually slept with him and became pregnant.  Then again, there are other stories that her sister Isis felt sorry for her lonely sister and encouraged her to disguise herself as Isis and bed her husband, Osiris. Regardless, this incident illustrated Nephthys and her commitment to relinquish her association with her violent and destructive spouse Set, and support Isis and Osiris.

We know Isis is the adored and well admired epitome of the feminine. But what of Nephthys?

Few texts exist regarding Nephthys and her qualities. Other than she accompanies her sister, and along with her sister, she is a funerary goddess and supports those who are on the journey towards meeting the other world.  

Yes, she is the dark goddess.  However, we must understand the dark and its implications. I believe Nephthys is the goddess of the in-between of darkness. One must gain patience when one is in the in-between, especially when we find ourselves there for a long time. If we hold on to the immense desire to find the light and emerge back quickly into the continued world of bus-i-ness, (and many times the chaos that was disturbing us) we lose that opportunity to see the world of our dreams. Dark conditions actually catapult us into the in-between to sort out what kind of world we wish to actually emerge into. Many times we try anything to keep us from the darkness and the unknown. We can get lost in continual relationships, substance abuse, and addictions that keep us completely unconscious in the in-between. It is imperative to stay conscious so that what may appear terrifying will reveal itself. We usually bury its reality deep within ourselves. Once we confront it, we can discover how to release ourselves from the bondage. 

My favorite time of all the day is dawn and twilight. These are in-between realms.  They are not quite day nor night. They cast an atmosphere of mystery and enchantment for some of us.  In-between times allow the gateways for those that have been venturing in the dark to merge into the hidden places of the day, and those that are awakening from the darkness to rise into activities of the day.  Those that are living in-between can be a witness to such activities and find life from many unknown sources that were unimaginable. It is indeed a very active world.  

Nephthys was in the in-between for most of her life that she became accustomed to it. Her experiences in her loneliness and loss enabled her to understand, gain wisdom and gain solace and compassion for herself. In doing so, she offers it to those that are lost or in the state of grief and mourning. In the end, she emerged with Isis and both gained the wisdom of honoring the journey to the underworld, where Osiris rules. Knowing that such a magnificent king of love, compassion and gentleness rules the underworld, engenders a consciousness of peace and understanding that allows this experience to be embraced.  

Nephthys is the honorable lady of the mysterious realm who also emits beauty, compassion and love for those of us that endure the challenges of being through lonely trials and experiences. The unknown journey, once started, reveals its secrets to us through Nephthys. She is often called the Great Revealer.  

However, this knowledge is something that holds importance only to those on that personal journey.  Hence, the reason she keeps things hidden until we are ready. She is private and secretive, and that is the mystery only known to those of us willing to be there with her and hold the patience to discover what is to be revealed.  

It is not important when we honor her to be known or popular or to stand beaming in the light of day, unlike her sister Isis. Nephthys is not the exposed heroine. Nephthys is just as feminine, or perhaps even more so. In fact, I believe she embodies the deepest most profound feminine aspects of the feminine that many of us have yet to find. Those of us that are on a mythic and mystic path will do so.  

A confining, chaotic, violent, and stifling environment, like the one our legendary goddess Nephthys was born into, may have been our birthplace. Or we are driven to discover the meaning of it throughout the choices we make in life. Some may call this karma. However, karma is not permanent. Our efforts and understanding of our part in the play can change karma.  Again, just as our goddess Nephthys reveals to us.

She does call us many times in our lives. We are all offered the opportunity to know her.  When we fight her invitation, or refuse to acknowledge the situation to heal and to grow, we stay as we are. When we  take her hand and are still with her, no matter how much we want to run, when we do finally emerge into our lives with her gifts, we are magical. Trying to be so isn't necessary when we surrender ourselves to the mystery. I've learned the beauty of humility with her.  With humility, we don't want to or need to prove anything. We are She.

Blessing into the night towards life.


Diveena is a writer, artist, musician, advocate and supporter of healing and wellness. She offers soirees and presentations on the Egyptian goddesses and healing methodologies. 

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