Mid Autumn Season is Respecting Transformation


Again I've waited about a year to get back onto this post. And, .. again it is the autumnal season when I do.  Interestingly, fall is my favorite time of year. Even though I'm a late cancer and born during the height of summer, the fall is when I seem to gain the best conscious awareness during my annual earth walk journey.  I have strong Scorpionic positioning in my astrological chart, with a Scorpio rising, Pluto and Mars on MC and 2 personal planets in the 8th house.  In my Asian astrological chart, metal is my "lucky" element and therefore anything pertaining to the western directionals is most suitable for me.  The west according to Earth traditions resonates with fall and its transitional journey between the bright world of youth and summer to the dark, somber mature experience of winter.  
It's mid fall season 2023. We've had our chance/dance with Libra (hopefully we've regained some awareness of who and what relationships are important and have some clues how to relate in a harmonious way.  If we haven't, then it's a good idea to watch how venus travels in our chart until next September or when the moon and sun is influenced by venus and/or Libra.  However, now we look towards deepening the connections we value and also to be aware of what moves us to bring forth the power of our anima/animus in our lives.  Actually, in the heightened energy of scorpionic power. where initiations of All Hallows Eve/The Day of the Dead and the Honoring of all Saints can nudge us towards Scorpio's exoteric ventures.  I find the value of this experience is to open ourselves to the esoteric wealth of Scorpio's hidden treasures and the needed guidance in order to learn to respect the power of Pluto's influence during this journey. I touch on Pluto soon enough later.
Most of us have a general knowledge that the 7th house and Libra represent/influence and also offers a perspective on relationships and the connections that bond us. Such understanding in our secular world refers to marriage and partnership, legal contracts, etc.  When we connect to Scorpio's influence, then we travel deeper into those relationships that we've consciously or unconsciously have made commitments to. These relationships can take us into journeys of sexual intimacy, and/or inheritance, and legacy, and dependancy as we become more and more entwined.  These experiences force us to acknowledge change, and most importantly, a transformation asks to take place within our lives and within our psyche.   For most of us, there is a sensation of finality, but then that finality is only pertaining to that which is being released and acknowledged that no longer has any need to continue to exchange in the present situation. If there is a monumental partnership, then there will be an awareness of a promise to an unknown future and also a life way that we've become used to that no longer can exist in order to move forward. "Impenetrability" coined by Philosopher John Toland states impenetrability is the name given to that quality of matter whereby two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Adding also the fact that thought produces all matter, and both are energy, and matter is energy; then there is an aberration in the mind and life if there are two conflicting energetics vying to hold space and identity.  This is the transformational crisis that scorpio's influence will reveal to us.  We have a chance to make a choice to go through the transformation during its power or out of fear run from it, only for this experience to return when the time and situation allow once again. So when it comes, it is a "sign" that we need to reflect and learn to reach within to find the strength for the changes that wish to take place to support our truth and fulfillment. 
The astrological eighth house is noted for such endings as death and loss. If looked upon in a fearful and negative manner, then the growth experience is suppressed and we live with impenetrability within our lives for some time until we make a choice towards transformation. 
There is an amazing song that Jon Anderson created back 1994  Change We Must. It is a tribute of transformation we need towards a truth of oneself and thus supporting all in a good way. And, ... Scorpio's change and transformation is a must to even venture into the truth that Sagittarius can offer on our journey towards wholeness.
Change and the transformation of embracing the change, is not easy, but I can truly say that now in my later years for all the transformations that  I have stepped into in my life, I am living a life out from complete consciousness from the life I started with.  I realize I was traveling a harder and longer road in those different lives that I am now.  My life is the life that I've always wanted but did not know I did.
And.. without the willingness to change, I would not have the opportunity in this lifetime to enjoy it. 
The beautiful and magnificent Phoenix bird evoked in many ancient legends and mysteries, epitomizes the powerful image of rising from within the flames, having burned all that is of the past that no longer offers nourishment and support into dust.  Pluto, the ruler of scorpio is the tiniest planet in our solar system. Arguments amongst astronomers and astrologers are whether to consider Pluto a significant planet or an asteroid.  Well, I believe they consider Pluto an asteroid.  However, Pluto has not lost its place as a significant energetic factor in astrological analyses.  Since Pluto's discovery, there is a significant consideration with the asteroid goddesses influences.  Though on a much smaller scale for the onlooker, their powerfully energetic influence supports psyche variables and values that have a prominent focus that I use in my astrological analysis because I feel the feminine perspective offers much needed value today.  There has begun a change towards the consciousness of the seen and the unseen worlds and their parallels that have always been within the consciousness of my indigenous Native American ancestors.  
Perhaps now these factors have come into more awareness because humanity is more willing to give some attention because of need? I sincerely hope so. 



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