Summer Sensitivities

Smith River, CA -Wild River Del Norte County
(Del Norte County has the most wild rivers in all of CA)

I think back to the summer of 2019 when Marcus and I took a kayak trip down the Smith River in Smith River CA.  We live minutes to Jedediah Smith National Forest and we could not pass up a July trip right in our backyard.  So we joined a group of visitors and foresters and kayaked down the Smith River.  All I can say is it was outstanding.  Crystal Clear waters, quiet, and the smell of pine with real live visions of eagles and bears.  The genuine stuff that a veritable river (one that has never been dammed) offers to our planet; to all peoples, mineral, plant, animal and humans.  What a gift. 

As I reflect on that trip and sit in my literal backyard with my residential racoon, squirrels, slugs, a myriad of birds, occasional bear, cougar and ancient trees;  I am so honored and filled with gratitude that I am in presence with the aliveness of place.  I am so grateful to be here.  

When I mention place, I am speaking of our beautiful planet, Earth. I think of the most adorable and the most magnificent animal relatives that exist on our planet, and those that have enhanced my life whether within my personal life, metaphorically and/or within psychic realms.  If they did not exist, I know in my heart I could not be able to live here, either. They are truly my relatives.

I know that all that is here in this manifested world of ours are thought forms of vibrational intent.  I truly believe that the kingdoms before us, were dreamed to be, from a very creative and phenomenally intelligent, loved filled mind and heart.  My indigenous ancestors believed that our animal predecessors dreamed us humans into being. And that they prepared the environments for us to live a good life.   Biologists would not tell us any different. 

So, who are we dreaming to be in the world after us?

Personally, I believe we are not capable in our human present state of consciousness.  I am not saying that everyone is incapable of dreaming.  In fact, many folks dream extensively. However, we have lost the consciousness that our great ancestors possessed. They consciously dreamed. Perhaps that is why we succumb and fall prey to the fallacies of the present constructed state of affairs in the colonial world, because we have lost the ability to consciously dream? 

I have lived by my dreams, with many planets in water signs, a strong 12th house influence, and a stellium in my 9th house. Visions and trusting the unseen world hold a monumental precedence in my life.  Perhaps some may say it has been easier for me to trust in the unseen world because of my western directional influenced chart, my ancestry of aboriginal America, and my determined choice of doing so.  However, it has not been easy. It has taken many transformations that some would say were several life time experiences.  Such experiences introduced Elders (way showers) of who I gained respect, and who I wish to emulate in their courage and wisdom. 

I truly understand why the East, the orientals, produced protocols to reach towards balance and touch on spirituality with meditation. Highly populated civilizations in the ancient orient developed practices in order to help ease stress and tension induced by heavily trodden environments.  Our western culture has now turned to the ancient orient practices to achieve "normalcy" in a chaotic industrialized consciousness.  

So, meditation is now a mainstream commonality for many westerners. Meditation is now a prescribed therapy for medical and mental health institutions and professionals.  We are now coming to acknowledge the value of what oriental highly populated civilizations have practiced for thousands of years. 

From an aboriginal consciousness of North America, mediation was not a practice.  It was a way of life.  My ancestors had no need to escape the world they lived in. They embraced it.  One practiced deep visionary quests when one knew that the only way to go forward was to reach to the Creators and join as one in that intelligence of the universe. There was never a description of what one personally experienced, but it was most likely induced by some kind of prayer/meditation method.  Once achieved, there was no need for consulting anyone else further in life.  All it took was one contact, because the contact was from the source of all life.  Today if one finds a glimpse of such a contact and still succumbs to the social norms of this world, there is no doubt it will quickly fade unless service guides one's life, without monetary reward.

So what do we do?  Well I believe the prescription for the present time is to meditate, for the most of us.  And once we get to that place of personal consciousness, then I believe in our present situation on our planet, it is to join in meditation with others. Others who we trust and know hold very similar intent and vibratory consciousness.  So, it doesn't look like we are going to find it with hordes of folks.  We might find like-minded and good-hearted folks but until we know ourselves well, on a vibratory level, we may not match.  I believe we have to get to a place of matching.  So that when we consciously come together with those vibratory connections, we are not just "feeling good connected," but CONSCIOUSLY connected. 

This concept brings me back to my beginning subject of consciously dreaming.  Yes we dream alone, but when we have support and a conscious connection with trusted, beloved family/friend/relatives, we will consciously dream.  My indigenous ancestors most definitely consciously dreamed.  Ancient Greeks also consciously dreamed. However, they relied on someone guiding and interpreting the their dreams f9r then, when true conscious dreaming has no leader but conscious vision and intent by those who choose to join in the practice.  

And it is a perfect practice to move into the vibratory frequency of the Aquarian age.  We are reaching toward sisterhood/brotherhood, the coming together of matching energetic frequencies. It will eventually be less important to fit everyone into a prescribed conception of what humanity is supposed to be, but rather choosing frequencies that bring each one of us closer to the highest of our personal intelligences.  Accepting and acknowledging our differences yet being fulfilled within our personal choices of being.  Living equal in our diversity and in joy of our individuality because the living power of our vibratory frequency now is the truth. Aquarian. 

I truly believe COVID-19 protocols have actually helped to change our perspectives to choose wisely for ourselves.  As society recharges from our distancing, we can regain our personal consciousness hopefully slowly and consciously. Of course, many of our brothers and sisters may take a longer time to find peace from their restlessness.  However, for those of us that have regained ourSelves, I believe we make better use of our vital life force and gifts. 

What happens when this happens? I intend for those of us to be filled with profound love and transformation.  And a glimpse of what we all are truly seeking. To balance our lives with all that is real.  The beauty of being here on our profoundly beautiful and unique planet in connection to all the rest of life in the universe through the highest intelligence there is ... In spirituality, where all things of good come from.  

May the gifts and bounty of what summer's harvest remind us how much we all are loved and valued in our world. 

Note:  Oregon has the most Wild Rivers in the Nation and is second to Alaska in protecting them. 

Blessings Always,


PS: If you would like to join me in a monthly meditation.  We hold it monthly on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00 am online and in person.  Contact me for the online link or for the location.

Also, if you are interested in learning about astrology in an online group, I am starting up a class on the 21st of July.  It takes place bimonthly and lasts for 6 months.  


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