Back In, 2021 Spring

Adjusting to a Renewed Focus

Jedediah Smith Redwood Forest 

When I started this blog back in 2019 I was so inspired by so many folks online sharing their ideas and wisdom that I felt compelled to feature gifted folk that I knew and I felt through this blog as well as on my Divine Inspirations Podcast that were awesome as well.  I am so grateful I did because it has been such a joy to connect and to reconnect to amazing creative and beautiful people. 
However, during the covid19 experience I had a lot of time to reflect. In fact I was already in a reflection mode during the crest of covid mandated restrictions.  I had over extended myself during the year and was beginning to feel its toll. 
Now that I have had approximately a year and a half to myself along with the privilege to have the love of my baby boy Doxie Auggie at my side as well as the quiet moments with my best friend and husband Marcus, I've become much more private.  Perhaps thats the rebel in me.  When it is the norm for the majority of folks to follow a trend, I become extremely selective and many times do the opposite.  Also I believe so many folks are telling so many stories that it becomes overwhelming, and overestimating for me. 
So, I've decided to return to my original concept of sharing insights on metaphysics, and spiritual acknowledgements in life quietly by myself here on my lonely selective blog.
Many years ago, near 30 years during a four-year walk-about,  I was working on my small art business DiamondStar Productions.  I featured my Egyptian inspired artwork as well as music and dance I produced and workshops that addressed archetypal connections that are available when we seek or are on a spiritual path and awakening.  I produced a newsletter Starways with articles on Indigenous consciousness and astrological and spiritual concepts from many cultures.  I published that newsletter for those in my mailing list through the mail and then progressed online for 17 years. I eventually met my husband.  We moved to Hawaii and married.  I thought we'd live there the rest of my lives.  However, the Creators/Universe had different plans.  
The plans were to reeducate myself on Indigenous cultures.  Living in Hawaii there is no way one can avoid the Indigenous culture unless you only want to associate with a closed elite Howlie community and appropriate the culture for yourself and turn it into a commercial enterprise.  
Such a move would be the farthest from my agenda.  I have full consciousness of how an indigenous people feel when their culture is misappropriated by someone from the dominant culture. Actually, the Hawaiian cultural influence allowed my own North American indigenous heritage to take residence in my life, and my greatest desire was to immerse myself back into the spirit of my own ancestors. 
Hence my resurrected walk-about was then blessed with the accompaniment of my partner and my then familiar baby Doxie Bubu.  
From that academic journey of discovery up to today, I've founded LUTEA a nonprofit charitable organization, to continue in advocating my ancestors as well as to offer education and support to advocate value and understanding towards Indigenous consciousness.  However, I have now found I personally need to return to the artist that embraces all the beautiful spiritual and powerful phenomena that Mother Earth has to offer us humans who have the possibility of being witness to and willing to take the chance to fully live on our planet.  From my personal perspective as an artist, an indigenous woman and spiritual practitioner, my return to the beauty of art and the divine is giving me a sense of a personal and intimate connection to the rest of the world. 
My apologies for this long time separation.  
An image of Pisces I finally found with fish swimming in opposite directions. 

Many prominent aspects and elements are Piscean in my natal chart makeup.  
The largest planet of them all is Jupiter, who just started traveling through Pisces. Jupiter made his impact in mid-May. Jupiter will continue to go in and out of Pisces the remaining of this year up through May 2022. After, Jupiter will not be back in Pisces until 2033.  
Those of us with strong Piscean energies will intuitively sense the influence and teachings that Jupiter wishes to enlighten us with. Jupiter has always been the ruler of Pisces, long before Neptune came along.  Thus Jupiter is very comfortable traveling through Pisces.  However, both Neptune and Jupiter influences are of equal value while working with the Piscean energy.  
As Jupiter brings his magnanimous expansive gifts to us whenever he is present and prominent in our world, connecting to Pisces can bring beneficial and also confusing experiences. 
In the contemporary context Neptune's presence has given Pisces a very nebulous, dreamy and a very disconnected-to-life image.  In fact there are two types of Pisces who may be distinct by their prominent rulers.  There is the very earthly fish who is very attached to tangibles and the comforts of life and can be highly emotional, many times charming but childishly demanding.   Though seemingly helplessly dependent, don't let them fool you, they are very capable of taking care of themselves. This is the Pisces that is associated with addictions, institutions escapisms and influenced by Neptune.  The second type of Pisces has some similarities to Sagittarius as truth is very valuable, but it is not an intellectual or philosophical truth but rather a spiritual and transcendent personal truth.  Unlike Sagittarius who must make a difference in the world through actions and proclamations, the Jupiter Pisces does it through inner journeying, retreats, and pilgrimages.  The Jupiter Pisces becomes the sage the Sagittarius works hard in his search to become.
When Jupiter's influence finds Pisces, all of us will be either dealing with introspection on the things we think we need in life, such as tangibles and perhaps examining how we might be heading in a hedonistic direction that equates closely to self absorption; verses looking to balance our attention towards other people.  Some of us may do some acts of random kindness that fuels the compassion needed towards inner balance as well as benefitting many others in all kingdoms who are suffering.  
Perhaps we individually can do something about the imbalance in our world?


The beauty of this energy influence in our lives is that Jupiter helps desolve boundaries and Pisces has issues about establishing boundaries.  So if we can envision (which is a powerful trait of Jupiter in Sagittarius), and imagine (that is most possible for Pisces when there are no boundaries associated with), then we can discover there are no differences in gender, color, (as there is no such thing as distinct races within the human race) religion, political association, class that society has established.  
Things can change for the better perhaps when we consciously work to seek a strong connection to a higher power, the great mystery and/or the divine.  Generosity and gratitude are two major attributes associated with the Jupiter Pisces connection if embraced and incorporated. 
On a personal level. some positive attributes can be credited to Jupiter in Pisces, a stronger sense of connection within humanity, giving ourselves more self care, and healing. Even though we are looking towards expansion, we cannot forget the details that may need to be applied in going about the expansive work (Pisces opposite in Virgo). In other words with all the fire and water we need to make an effort to stay grounded and here on Mother Earth.  
Some attention should be given to the body.  Evolved Pisceans will be highly psychically sensitive with Jupiter influences which is a strong indication to slow down.  When such a highlight is here, don't miss the opportunities to understand what is coming through. Also when we overdo, (something I need to pay attention to always) issues relating to excesses (Jupiter) associated with Piscean ruled regions of the body: feet, ankles, the lymph nodes, eyes, and pineal gland may call out to us.  Concerns would be swelling, autoimmune disease, liver issues, allergies, and weight gain.  Or something that has been chronic will flair up or something that has been latent, waiting to take full force, will emerge. The latter is very indicative during our upcoming addition of Mercury retrograde added to the mix. 
I believe we are always seeking balance, at least that is what I have learned from my Elders and ancestors.  When Jupiter has returned to a sign, it has always been at home in, and also Neptune is occupying the sign at the same time, it is an auspicious moment within the universe.  We can truly find something that works for us if we allow the opportunity to be open to the teachings.  We have the opportunity if we are out of balance to realign within our true internal nature, become more whole, and begin a journey of healing. Pisces, one of the three water signs (all extremely sensitive), highly emphasizes and values the internal being and qualifies as part of the whole in wellness. 
Many folks have dubbed Jupiter the lucky planet.  I find it lucky when associated with Sagittarius because Sagittarius has such a positive outlook.  Many times, Pisces does not. There is always an undercurrent of heavy thinking mixed with confused feelings.  But... when Jupiter insights the altruistic qualities that a balanced Pisces may value, then the joy of living on such terms and having a highly spiritual connection to the divine is a joy beyond recognition.  The tops!

I pray that for us all.


DiVeena Seshetta


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