Spring Equinox 2019

When I wrote this it was Vernal Equinox 2019.  The Earth is definitely ready to burst anew with sunshine and smells, pollen and movement here in the Northern California Coast.  I have recently been reflecting on the image of the sun and the moon, their cyclical movement of time and experience as it is was also a full moon in Virgo and Sun in Pisces.
The Egyptian Kheperi's image is forefront in my thoughts.  Kheperi in Egyptian literally means: He who is coming to Be"  The divine beetle traveling diligently to embed her eggs into the cow's dung and precisely rolling the dung upon the earth into a perfect orb is strikingly and astoundingly profound.  No wonder the ancient Egyptians held such esteem towards all living beings.
As most Indigenous communities, the attitude towards living beings on the Earth was reverent and sacred knowledge was imbued through interaction with the experience or observation.
Through the past (dung) we understand ourselves if we can take that experience and organize it (putting the dung into a ball) so we can make use of it for our future in a very concerted effort.
So our past takes us to our future.  Once we fly out of the past into the future, where we land we must also find our way into creating a space, a world that gives us life and sustenance.

Recently my husband and I moved from a very arid region (over the mountains) from the Siskiyou area to Del Norte County's moist and very fertile coastal region.
Unfortunately, we did not build our home but bought a ready-made (almost made to order house).
It has been some time since I lived in my own home and property and the attitude about building a relationship with my space is huge.  I have been a respectful admirer for Feng Shui but did not embrace as much of the principles as I should have in the past.
Now I understand that where ever we go we are finding our selves and everything in our lives are reflections of ourselves.  Yes, we are constantly coming to be.
Thus I now understand by reflecting on my past I can understand why there may be missing spaces for Chi in my home.  My home is who I am and it is a blessing to see in concrete reality what I am about, and the aspects in my life that I can support to balance and improve my wellbeing as well as that of my environment.
I hope during this season to touch on some topics of interest with our coming to Be. Plans are to feature a few friends with their loving gifts that contribute to us all during this time.  Stay tuned!


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