Launch Introduction

Dear Friends,
Greetings in the depths of winter on our northern hemisphere homeland, mother Earth. Indigenous traditional practices acknowledge ancient wisdom of our ancestors through ceremony and intimate gatherings. Unfortunately many of us are far removed from our relatives and we have lost the traditions of coming together in the quiet to reminisce and reflect on our last year with the wisdom of Elders. Our Elders help direct our journeys into the forthcoming experience that would inevitably commence in Spring.
So what do we do in this disconnected paradigm we find ourselves in? We turn to each other who seek the connections. As an Elder within my own community, now far removed, I continue to carry traditional practices. As an educator and minister, it gives me much fulfillment to share and join with others. Therefore, I created this blog to reach out to kindred spirits along this journey.
  • To contribute to the education of humanity
  • To inspire beauty and goodness
  • To perpetuate and instill the truth and value in all beings
  • To contribute to the force of healing and wellness

What might this look like?  Sharing Podcasts, online courses, articles and announcements on Astrology, Reiki, Methodologies to Spiritual Wellness; and invitations and information on intimate soirees and gatherings.

Looking forward to connecting and celebrating!


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