Mid Autumn Season is Respecting Transformation

Again I've waited about a year to get back onto this post. And, .. again it is the autumnal season when I do. Interestingly, fall is my favorite time of year. Even though I'm a late cancer and born during the height of summer, the fall is when I seem to gain the best conscious awareness during my annual earth walk journey. I have strong Scorpionic positioning in my astrological chart, with a Scorpio rising, Pluto and Mars on MC and 2 personal planets in the 8th house. In my Asian astrological chart, metal is my "lucky" element and therefore anything pertaining to the western directionals is most suitable for me. The west according to Earth traditions resonates with fall and its transitional journey between the bright world of youth and summer to the dark, somber mature experience of winter. It's mid fall season 2023. We've had our chance/dance with Libra (hopefully we've regained some awareness of who and what relationships are important and ha...