2022 Autumnal Equinox Balance , Justice and Harmony

Egyptian Goddess Maat by Diveena Marcus Blessed Autumnal Season onto you! As I write this, it is just hours before 2022 Autumnal Equinox. The phenomena when the daylight and the night on planet earth are equally balanced when the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Well, if you get real technical, it really isn't exactly equal. Those of us that live closer to the equator it will be more true to the account. The farther away, the more unequal. However, the most important aspect of the fall equinox is that it is the official commencement of the Autumnal season. The moment the earth experiences the shift to the Autumnal season, she also travels through the backdrop of the Libra constellation and we experience the zodiacal sign of Libra. Libra represents the polarities of our lives. The opposite of Libra is Aries. Hence, the awareness of what is important to us personally (Aries) is being reflected upon by the associations (Libr...