Crones, Cannabis and Community

As we walk through May, or as the Celts would be singing the Merry Month of May we would be acknowledging the beauty and fecundity of the lands we live. We image flowers that emit invitations to the sensory world that we have ignored during our earlier season. The sun shines, and we can't help be willing partners to the world of the living. The living world, if we are not blind reminds us of the feminine spirit of life that all of Creation celebrates. Those of us that live in western society gives homage to mothers one day out of the year this coming Sunday. Whereas in many Indigenous cultures women and those that gave birth are life givers were/are highly honored in a community always. They understood the continued pain and its triumph in bringing in the beauty of life and its care and attendance in which others may never know as the impetus of their life's passion. However, the women who have offered the care and attendance throughout their lives more oft...